Katie MacAlister

Lifestyles of the Rich and Undead

Lifestyles of the Rich and Undead

Otherworld Dark Ones, Book 4


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    Pocket Star (September 4, 2012)
    REPRINT: August 28, 2024

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    Ladies, be sure to catch our interview with the reclusive, oh-so-sexy Dark One Grayson Soucek, when he talks to our reporter about what it’s like to be one of the Otherworld’s most eligible (and titled!) bachelors.

    Gray dishes all on what he’s looking for in a permanent blood donor, his turn-ons and turn-offs, and what he likes on a date (hint—dinner in a romantic dungeon is one way to this vampire’s heart). It’s all in our next edition of Lifestyles of the Rich and Undead!

    Note: this short story was a promotional piece for Pocket Book’s publication of the UNDEAD IN MY BED anthology, which included the SHADES OF GRAY Dark Ones novella..

    This short story is not for sale, but if you’d like a copy, drop Katie a line at katie@katiemacalister.com or click the Katie’s Shop link for a free copy.

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