Katie MacAlister

Katie Cast

Aisling’s Notebooks

Writing this quickly before Deo wakes up and demands to take over my social media for a week. I just put three new Aisling Grey Traveler’s Notebooks in the Etsy shop. Each one has a video flip-through available. Check it out at the shop. Oh hell! I think he’s awake!


Up in Smoke Available Again

Recently, I received back the rights to several books from the publisher, Penguin Putnam. This meant that they withdrew the e-book versions from sale, allowing me to get the ebooks reformatted, have new covers made, and then re-uploaded. It’s taken a few weeks to get that done, but the books are now starting to return to availability.

One of the books now available again is UP IN SMOKE. It’s still processing in Kobo and Google Books, but all other versions are available.

Handmade Vintage Journals

Did you know that Katie gets her crafty on by making vintage “junk” journals, as well as wee little photo/journal albums? It’s how she unwinds from a hard day of slaving over a manuscript. If you love paper as much as she does, pop over to the Etsy store and see what’s in the journal section. There are videos of what’s in each journal so you know exactly what you’re getting!


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