Katie Cast
Bookbub fans, unite!
Are you a Bookbub fan? If so (and you really should be, BB is awesome!) pop over to https://www.bookbub.com/authors/katie-macalister to be included in news of my latest releases and special sales. It’s quick, painless, and free!
Vampy Goodness…Slightly Delayed
The publish date for The Vampire Always Rises has been pushed back to April 26th. Although I hate to delay the long awaited next Dark Ones book, there has been a delay in the copyediting and proofreading production, and I don’t want to rush it out the door before it’s perfect. Or as perfect as I can make it (that’s the joy of publishing books yourself!). And since I want it out in print at the same time as ebook (and with luck, audio), I’m hoping everyone will be patient and hang on an extra month.
Dragon Unbound Experiment!
My darling agent Michelle and I are trying an experiment in visibility by placing Dragon Unbound into Amazon’s White Glove program (a special service offered to agents to help get their author’s books some personal attention) which means that for a little bit of time, it will be only available via Amazon. Non-Kindle folks, don’t panic! The print version is available–so feel free to ask your library to pick up a copy if you are unable to.
Hold the First Dragon in your hot little hands!
And a month and a half later, the print version of Dragon Unbound (with bonus Perils of Effrijim short story) is now available. Wooties! You can order it through Amazon or other stores. The link below is to the Amazon version.
Fast and Furious, Indeed!
The Perils of Paulie is out today, and I’m so thrilled because this is my favorite of all the Ainslie books. It features Dixon, the brother who is stuck taking care of Elliott’s estate, and Paulina Rostakova, who just yearns to get out and see the world. And they do…literally. The tale of their around-the-world race, the hijinks that ensure therein, and how the charming Dixon woos Paulie makes me all shades of happy. I hope you enjoy it as well!
The First Dragon and You!
The First Dragon novella, Dragon Unbound, will be released on Tuesday, December 6th. We’re working on a print version that will be coupled with Jim’s short story (The Perils of Effrijim), and I’ll have news about that once we work out details. Until then, feel free to dive into the First Dragon’s story.
Yarr ‘n stuffs!
As part of the “Katie Gets Rights to Books Back and Republishes Them Herself” project, Blow Me Down, that fabulous tale of virtual pirates and the woman who loves them, is available once again in both print and e-book form. I’m tickled pink about this, because Corbin is one of my favorite heroes.
Coloring fiends, rejoice!
It’s finally available – The Illustrated Otherworld, a Katie Mac coloring book filled with items, titles, and quotes drawn from my books. I can’t wait to hear what people think of it (and to see the finished pages!). You can see more about the Illustrated Otherworld here.
Twelve long years!
After twelve years being out of print, I’ve finally brought back my Young Adult standalone book, Eyeliner of the Gods. Eyeliner is available as an e-book on all the usual places.
If you have a teenager, or are a teenager at heart, and missed the book back in 2004, you can fling yourself into the world of January James, wannabe journalist. And let’s not forget the sexy Seth…
The Big Emily News!
I put all the info in a newsletter, which you can read HERE. Go forth and get your Emily (if you haven’t already read her).