by Katie Mac | Feb 8, 2018 | News
I’m tickled three shades of pink to announce that Time Thief (with its gorgeous new cover) is once again available in e-book format. The print format is coming in the next few days, but until then, hie thee to the TT page and admire the pretty new cover.
by Katie Mac | Nov 28, 2017 | News
LANGUAGE WARNING! Those of you with delicate eye peepers, do not click on the link!
The rest of you…if you’re looking for a present for a friend with a wicked sense of humor, a love of coloring, and who is suffering from untold stress by these trying times, you may wish to eyeball this new coloring book for adults. It is filled with snarkiness and occasional naughty words, and provides journal space for the venting of the spleen.
by Katie Mac | Nov 20, 2017 | News
The rights to It’s All Greek to Me have returned to me, and finally I have the ebook re-released. I’m waiting for confirmation on Kobo and Google Play, but all the other vendors are live. If you missed it the first time around, feel free to dive into the story of Harry and Yacky. [Print version will be coming shortly]

by Katie Mac | Nov 10, 2017 | News

The second episode of The Curiosity Shop podcast is now out in the world! Go forth and listen to the stories about funny articles regarding a military man, poltergeists, and an attempted murder!
by Katie Mac | Oct 27, 2017 | News
It’s out! It’s out! At long last it’s out! [Although be patient if it doesn’t show up in your iTunes or podcast feed right away…I just published it a few minutes ago.]
Yes, it’s the first episode of The Curiosity Shop! The new podcast where my friends Janet, Sara, and I read weirdo news and advertisements from magazines and newspapers through the ages.
We’re kicking things off with our Halloween episode, during which Janet discusses nipples, Sara details Halloween shenanigans with an outhouse, and I mispronounce several words because I was trying to talk fast.
Subscribe, listen, share with your friends!