by Katie Mac | May 7, 2013 | News
It’s release day, it’s release day, huzzah! (You have to imagine me singing that while dancing with my dogs until they lose interest and go off to stare out the window)
Today is the release of Time Thief, and as usual, I’ve prepared a newsletter about it with all sorts of links ‘n stuff, including a contest for a Romance Sampler! If you didn’t get a copy of the newsletter for your very own, you can read it here.
by Katie Mac | Apr 4, 2013 | News
The newest quarterly wallpaper is now available!
A note about this quarter’s wallpaper. Assistant Sister Karen is, as some of you might recall, an artist in addition to helping me out with many things, and I asked her to make me some custom graphics for a book video for Time Thief. She’s been busily doing that, and we decided to use one of the images from that for this quarterly wallpaper. So instead of the normal type of wallpaper image, you get a highly artsy version. Yay for culture, right?
by Katie Mac | Mar 2, 2013 | News
I’ve mentioned it elsewhere, and at last the doors are ready to swing open on the Katie Mac street team, AKA Mobile Minions!
What’s a street team, you ask? The Mobile Minions are a grass-roots organization of Katie MacAlister readers who wish to help spread the word about Katie’s books via online and street promotions, referred to as “Missions.” Participants are rewarded with Katie Swag, which includes exclusive for-street-team-only items like a Desktop Hero, mirrors, keychains, handmade-by-Katie book thongs, and much more.
If you’re interested in joining the Mobile Minions, drop by the info page and read up on what it entails. Be warned that it may take a few days for us to process folks and get them into the Super Secret Minion Hangout (on Facebook). Also keep in mind that actual Missions won’t begin until late March.
Please feel free to share news of the street team formation. In addition to individuals, we’re happy to have booksellers, librarians, and readers’ groups be a part of the Minion fun.
Let fly the doves! The street team is gathering!
by Katie Mac | Feb 27, 2013 | News
Yes, I just wrote those words in my in-progress book.
You’re welcome. 🙂
by Katie Mac | Feb 22, 2013 | News
So…when I get done writing this book, I will be able to write whatever I want. Historical, contemp, dragon, vampire, steampunk, mystery, young adult…you name it, the world is mine. Well, so far as writing the next book goes.
Given the choice, what would you prefer that I write next? Yes, yes, I’ll end up writing what I will feel like writing, but I’m interested in what people are anticipating the most.