Katie MacAlister


It’s almost upon us, and I hope that every one of you has a delightful, wickedly wonderful 2013. The kind of 2013 where you make everyone pea-green with jealousy because you’re having SO MUCH FUN. A 2013 filled with adventure and excitement and really fabulous sex (assuming you want really fabulous sex). And puppies. Lots of puppies, kittens, and manatees. Because 2013 isn’t a groovy year unless you have your full quota of puppies, kittens, and manatees. BABY manatees.

I wish you all that sort of 2013. Go forth and make it so!

[Kittens sitting on baby manatees are for 2014. Don’t even think of going there for a year]

Those Wacky Mayans

Happy apocalypse!

Let’s all imagine what sort of mutant survivor we will be if we manage to outlive the Mayans’ prediction.

Dibs being the frisky girl with the open head wound who wants to get it on with everyone regardless of their number of limbs.

Wait…am I thinking of zombies rather than mutant survivors of the
apocalypse? Must go review my end-of-society movie collection…

Making a list and checking it twice

  • Shopping: done (except for my darling Michelle. Am still braining what to get her, other than evidently a new finger to replace the one she broke).
  • Cards: sent!
  • Tree: up and decorated
  • Short story to lead into second book of new series: um…yeah. Moving on…
  • Catering for Christmas party: ordered!
  • Newsletter: um again. OK, must work on that today. Can’t have everyone spending their holiday without a picture of festive hunky manflesh, now can I?

Newsletter and short story aside, I think I’m officially ready for Christmas.

Star of Wonder

I’m listening to some Christmas music while packaging up some things to be sent out, including yet more books for the Book For You and a Friend contest. Yup, that’s still going on, and will continue until I run out of excess books to give away.

Now, I love Christmas music. I may not hold with the religious details of the holiday, but man, do I love belting out Oh Holy Night, and any song with the word “hallelujah” in it. And every year, I have a new favorite song. Last year it was Lenka’s All My Bells Are Ringing. This year, it’s Barenaked Ladies & Sarah McLachlan’s rendition of God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen/We Three Kings. I could sing it all day, interspersed with my second favorite, the old Eartha Kitt version of Santa Baby.

So what’s your favorite Christmas/holiday song this year?

Why I love the Interwebs

Book from hell (AKA book written after my husband's death–and truly, I have nothing but massive respect for people who can work during times of adversity, because I sure sucked at it) is now revised, and back with Editor Kate for a pedicure, gentle massage, and aromatherapy. Or at least, that's how I think of the manuscript production process.

And that means that once again I have time to roam unfettered around the Internet, and what did one of my wanderings find but a fabulous repository of very cool stuff over at the National Library of Scotland. My favorite bit of digital fun is the Broadsides collection, which cover everything from popular verses, scandalous happenings of the day, and interesting tidbits (like the mermaid who spoke to a young man, which can be seen here).

You can search the collection, and save the broadsides as PDFs, which is very cool. And now you know what I'll be doing when I should be answering e-mails and such…

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