Katie MacAlister

Bastian in your earballs!

I’m tickled pink that Bastian’s book, A CONFEDERACY OF DRAGONS, is now out in audio format, narrated by the talented and fabulous Hillary Huber. I just downloaded a copy, and will be applying Bastian directly to my ears. And a reminder for folks who have a tight book budget–your library system might well grab a copy for you if you request it!

You Sleigh Me is nigh!


You asked for it for years, and I finally managed to get a story written with both dragons and vampires. Dive into YOU SLEIGH ME today!

Monday Thoughts

Couple of Monday thoughts, bulleted because reasons:

  • I’ve ordered some print copies of CONFEDERACY OF DRAGONS and DESPERATELY SEEKING VAMPIRE for the Etsy shop, so if you want a signed copy, be patient. It takes a few weeks to get them into my hot little hands. I’ve also ordered a few other books that were either sold out or are low.
  • I miss talking to you about books. Not me yammering at you, but an actual discussion about characters, plot decisions, speculation about what X means, etc. Due to the inability to hide spoiler talk on social media, we can’t really do it here. I have a Discord channel, but that isn’t easy to parse if you are looking for specific discussions (or wish to avoid spoilers on books you haven’t yet read). So I’m looking at a message forum again. Thoughts? Is that something you’d use? Hit the CONTACT link and let me know.
  • I need to start writing the next book today. My brain is a bit fuzzy with an allergy headache, so I’m waffling over what that book will be. Why am I telling you this? When I ask you what you want to read next, it has an impact on what I write next.
  • Hillary Huber is recording the audio for CONFEDERACY as I type. It will be out in early October. I just called her an aerator instead of narrator in a text message. Voice to text FTW!

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