Katie MacAlister


Time Thief Official Chat

It’s back! Yack with Katie and other readers in the forum chat room. If you want to join us on Ventrilo for voice chat as well, we’ll have that up and running.

Date: May 18th
Time: 3pm Pacific (5 Central, 6 Eastern, 11pm GMT)
Where: https://katiemacalister.invisionzone.com/index.php?%2Fchat%2F
Ventrilo info: https://katiemacalister.invisionzone.com/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F435-vent-information%2F

The chat will be moderated for an hour, then open up to a free-for-all.

Time Thief is Out!

It’s release day, it’s release day, huzzah! (You have to imagine me singing that while dancing with my dogs until they lose interest and go off to stare out the window)

Today is the release of Time Thief, and as usual, I’ve prepared a newsletter about it with all sorts of links ‘n stuff, including a contest for a Romance Sampler! If you didn’t get a copy of the newsletter for your very own, you can read it here.

Second Quarter Wallpaper

The newest quarterly wallpaper is now available!

A note about this quarter’s wallpaper. Assistant Sister Karen is, as some of you might recall, an artist in addition to helping me out with many things, and I asked her to make me some custom graphics for a book video for Time Thief. She’s been busily doing that, and we decided to use one of the images from that for this quarterly wallpaper. So instead of the normal type of wallpaper image, you get a highly artsy version. Yay for culture, right?


The Time is Nigh!

I’ve mentioned it elsewhere, and at last the doors are ready to swing open on the Katie Mac street team, AKA Mobile Minions!

What’s a street team, you ask? The Mobile Minions are a grass-roots organization of Katie MacAlister readers who wish to help spread the word about Katie’s books via online and street promotions, referred to as “Missions.” Participants are rewarded with Katie Swag, which includes exclusive for-street-team-only items like a Desktop Hero, mirrors, keychains, handmade-by-Katie book thongs, and much more.

If you’re interested in joining the Mobile Minions, drop by the info page and read up on what it entails. Be warned that it may take a few days for us to process folks and get them into the Super Secret Minion Hangout (on Facebook). Also keep in mind that actual Missions won’t begin until late March.

Please feel free to share news of the street team formation. In addition to individuals, we’re happy to have booksellers, librarians, and readers’ groups be a part of the Minion fun.

Let fly the doves! The street team is gathering!

You heard it here first


Yes, I just wrote those words in my in-progress book.

You’re welcome. 🙂

The World, My Oyster, and You

So…when I get done writing this book, I will be able to write whatever I want. Historical, contemp, dragon, vampire, steampunk, mystery, young adult…you name it, the world is mine. Well, so far as writing the next book goes.

Given the choice, what would you prefer that I write next? Yes, yes, I’ll end up writing what I will feel like writing, but I’m interested in what people are anticipating the most.

So Exciting!

I wanted to thank those of you on Facebook who put up with my head-scratching over a reader who sent me a nasty note about Yacky’s book. I can’t tell you how much your comments and e-mails of support mean to me–it really does make me feel blessed to have you all in my life.

It’s ironic that all that warm fuzziness should be going around right now because Assistant Sister and I have been brainstorming something super exciting. Although I’m not quite ready to release all the details, I will let you guys know that at long last, after two years in the waiting, the Katie Mac Street Team (aka Mobile Minions) will be launched upon the unsuspecting world!

We are in the process of having some really fun things created as both rewards, and items you can share with others, so stay tuned for the call for street teamers!

I hear some of you asking “What’s a street team?” For authors, it’s simply a group of dedicated readers who help promote an upcoming book (or the author in general). People volunteer to help get the word out about a new book, and in return (depending on how the team is organized), they earn rewards. For my street team, I’m creating some nifty things that will be exclusively available for members only (and not the general public). So what do street teams members do? Everything from posting a review, to tweeting about a book, sharing videos, posting pictures, dropping promotional goodies off at libraries and bookstores, and something so fun, I can’t tell you about it until I have a picture of it. The street team is all volunteer, and we will be rewarding people for their efforts both big and small.

More information will be forthcoming as soon as we have the structure in place, but until then, consider whether or not you’re going to want to be one of the few, the dashing, the elite Mobile Minions!

Adrian, Christian, and Raphael

Today is the day that the first three Dark Ones books comes out in audio format, hoobah! If you haven’t yet seen the newsletter with links and information, trot over to it at https://mad.ly/62bb73. I can’t wait to hear how the narrators did with the books!

That Which Does Not Kill Us…

Man, is everyone else overwhelmed with stuff right now? Is it coming off the holidays, or the start of a new year, or just all sorts of projects and work and responsibilities ‘n stuff like that hitting at the same time?

I have books to write, tax info to start organizing for Mr. Tax Dude, classes to watch videos, do homework, and take quizzes, crafty projects spread out all over the dining room table, and a HUGE stack of books just waiting to lure me away from everything else. Did I mention the books to be written?

I know you guys must be just as swamped, and most likely more so, because I live a fairly boring life. At least we’re never bored, right?

Happy Tuesday!

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