by Katie Mac | Aug 30, 2023 | News

I’m tickled pink to announce that the YOU SLEIGH ME COLLECTION (with both You Sleigh Me and Desperately Seeking Vampire) is now available in audio form. Huzzah! The narrator is Cassandra Campbell, and you can dip your ears into a sneak peek here.
by Katie Mac | Aug 23, 2023 | News

Because the Dark Ones series is being arranged into new, tidier series listings, I’m in the process of creating infographics that show people how to move through the books, how they’re connected, and what order they should be read in.
Here’s the first lovely graphic (to view it larger or save it, grab it here).
by Katie Mac | Aug 23, 2023 | News

If you notice odd things happening around and near the Fireborn books, you can rest assured that it’s not you. The series rights were recently returned to me, and I’m in the process of uploading the books with their new gorgeous covers everywhere, so your patience while the books go live is much appreciated. Print versions with their alternate, equally gorgeous covers are coming soon.
by Katie Mac | Aug 3, 2023 | News
Those of you with sharp eyes will have noticed some big changes in the books menu–I’ve been in the process of segmenting my longer series into groups that make sense based on the storyline. Since I know change is often confusing, fear not! I will be walking everyone through the changes in the series titles with fancy graphics, and easy explanations. Stay tuned for more!
by Katie Mac | Jul 20, 2023 | News

Recently, the rights to the three Born Prophecy books–Starborn, Fireborn, and Shadowborn–were returned to me, which meant I had to get new covers made while I wait to reupload the ebooks.
My cover artist absolutely knocked the assignment out of the ballpark. I’ll alert everyone once the books are available again (it should be a matter of a week or so for the publisher to pull their ebook files, which allows me to upload mine), but in the mean time, enjoy the new ebook covers!