Katie Cast
New Cover!
I’m hoping this book will be out in November.
Feeling a bit nostalgic as I get ready to edit the vamp book…
@katiemacalisterbooks Got vamp? #vampireromance #paranormalromance #paranormalromancebooks #katiemacalisterbooks #readersoftiktok #booktok
Friday Thoughts.

Huzzah for Friday! Although I have to admit, this is my current mood. 🙂
[Graphic from Lisa’s Altered Art]
My day, and you’re welcome to it
My to-do list is two pages long. I hope yours is less!
Thursday Thoughts

I’m thinking of releasing either a short story or short novella before the blue dragon book.
I know, I know, but there’s some stuff that has to go down before the dragon book starts, and I just can’t see a way to fit it into the current story. On the good news front, it will be faster to write, edit, and release! Plus, it will let you see familiar faces.
And some new ones…duh duh DUUUUUUUUUUUH!
Let’s play dragon or vampire!
@katiemacalisterbooks I always love to hear what you guys think are dragons and what you think are vampires. #romancebooks #vampireromance #booktok #katiemacalister
This made me sniffle a bit
I love this guy’s video so much, and it instantly made me think of Ben and Fran. So my question to you is whether or not you’ve met the right person at the wrong time?
@katiemacalisterbooks It’s like @creatingwonders knew about Ben and Fran. #rightpersonwrongtime #booktok #romancebooks #vampireromance #katiemacalister
It’s going to be 108F/42C here today. Blech.
Have you been to my new TikTok account? I’m super new there, but I’m having 

fun playing with videos. If you romp on TikTok, please do befriend me there, so I’m not so lonely.
Also, I tossed another case of Corset Diaries up on the Etsy shop. The bookseller says there’s less than 100 left, so be warned!
Hee hee hee
This is for an older book, but it still makes me laugh.
@katiemacalisterbooks Well, he’s not wrong. #romancebooks #booktok #romanceseries #spicybooks #katiemacalister #dragon #paperbackbooks
Signed Book Update!
A signed book update for those of you who are interested in such things: books are starting to come in, and I’ve also included in the shop mass market paperback copies which were used at various events (Katiecon!).
Please note that in some cases, two versions of a book are available–one being the original mass market paperback, and the second being the new trade reissued version. You can tell the difference by the price (MMPB are less expensive) and by the description. So don’t be confused if you see two Daring in a Blue Dress listings.
Here’s what’s in the shop right at this very moment:
- Daring in a Blue Dress (original mass market paperback)
- Playing With Fire
- Up in Smoke
- Love in the Time of Dragons
- Unbearable Lightness of Dragons
- A Tale of Two Vampires
- The Truth About Leo
- Noble Destiny
- A Midsummer’s Night Romp original mass market paperback
- Zen and the Art of Vampires
- The Trouble With Harry
- Noble Intentions
- Even Vampires Get the Blues paperback
- Me and My Shadow, a Silver Dragons book
- A Midsummer’s Night Romp
- Confessions of a Vampire’s Girlfriend
- Dragonblight
- Time Thief
- The Art of Stealing Time
- Ghost of a Chance
- A Tale of Two Cousins
- Steamed
- Company of Thieves steampunk romance
- The Vampire Always Rises
- Blow Me Down
- The Perils of Paulie
- It’s All Greek to Me
- Ever Fallen in Love
- Last of the Red-Hot Vampires
- In the Company of Vampires
- Dragon Unbound
- Up In Smoke, a Silver Dragons book
- Much Ado About Vampires
Here’s what’s coming by the end of next week:
- Improper English
- The Perils of Paulie (A Matchmaker in Wonderland Novel)
- Daring in a Blue Dress (A Matchmaker in Wonderland Novel)
- A Fistful of Vampires: A Dark Ones Collection
- In the Company of Vampires
- Last of the Red-Hot Vampires
And here’s what’s coming the week after that:
- Crouching Vampire, Hidden Fang
- Ain’t Myth-Behaving: A Paranormal Anthology
As always, you can find the shop here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/KatieMacAlister