Katie MacAlister


Why yes, I did get new covers…and a new title!

Covers for Love im the Time of Dragons, The Unbearable Lightness of Dragons, and Something Dragon This Way Comes.

The Light Dragons have finally received new covers, and I’ll be getting their ebooks online ASAP. You’ll notice that SPARKS FLY has been retitled to SOMETHING DRAGON THIS WAY COMES. I thought the title worked much better with the other Light Dragon books.

The New Silver Dragon Covers!


Aren’t they pretty? They’re all in the process of updating at all the ebook vendors. You know, just in case you never read them… 🙂

The weirdness is nigh!


A head’s up for folks who may click on a book’s purchase link only to find it not working…I’m in the process up uploading the books whose rights returned to me, and that process can be fiddly. If you are desperate to get a copy of an e-book, but I don’t have it uploaded yet, drop me an e-mail and let me know. I’ll try to work around the issue!

Also, don’t the new Aisling recovers look awesome? Print is coming soon!

It’s coming…


The story of Jim’s parents, and what they have to do with the ongoing problems for the dragons and vampires, is almost nigh. In fact, it *is* nigh in my shop, but won’t be out elsewhere until 16 July. Read more about the book.

Jim’s Parents


If you recall from YOU SLEIGH ME there was a mingling of minds with dragons, vamps, and polters all meeting and promising help for the two biggest problems facing the Otherworld (the vampire thanes and the dragons’ issue with the evil Xavier).

The next Otherworld Adventure will be out in July, and furthers the issues with both thanes and Xavier, but more importantly, introduces Jim’s parents. THE GARDEN OF OKAY AND MEH will bring back a handful of dragons (and Jim), vampires, and polters, as well as a few new characters.

Updated Printable Booklist!

I’ve updated the PRINTABLE BOOK LIST with two of the new releases not yet out (and also tidied up the list in general), so if you are wondering if you’re missing a book–or what order they can be read in–you’ll have all the info you need.

Happy Emily To You All!

After (literally) twenty years, Emily has returned with an update not only on her life now that she’s a thirty-something, but also provides a look at Iain and Kathie (from MEN IN KILTS), and Amy and Corbin (from BLOW ME DOWN), as well as my favorite, Emily’s dad Brother.

Catch them all in TELL THEM EMILY SENT YOU.

Drake, Drake’s history, Drake and Aisling, Drake and Jim…just Drake.

DRAGON REVISITED releases today, and that means all things Drake is now available for purchase and request via libraries (and if your book budget is blown this month, please ask your local library to get a copy for you!).

With the launch of my new online store at katiemacalisterbooks.com, you can get the EXCLUSIVE (to the store) version of DRAGON REVISITED that includes Jim’s short story, BECOMING EFFRIJIM, which is NOT currently available anywhere else.

If you didn’t get Jim’s story free via the newsletter, you may want to pick up the exclusive bonus version of DRAGON REVISITED at the shop. Otherwise, you have to wait for my new forum software (which is currently making me insane).


So, let’s talk about change. Many people dislike change because…well, who knows if the change will turn out for the best?

I’ve been hesitant for the last two years to make major changes to my business model, but I’ve finally decided to stop fearing the worst, and instead view change as an adventure. Will the changes I have planned thrill everyone to bits and pieces, or will you all glare at me and mutter rude things in Latin? We won’t know until we try, right?

What’s the big deal, you’re wondering? It’s two-fold:

  • a new online store (no more Etsy shop) that sells both e-books and print books
  • an exclusive reader group on my website

Why a new shop? I’m trying to improve my readers’ experience by offering special sales, discounts, bundles, and exclusive items not available anywhere else. I can’t do most of that on Amazon, Apple, B&N, Kobo, etc. and STILL make sure the reader–you–has the best time possible. The new shop is in the process of being created, but once it’s live, I’ll let you know.

On to the exclusive reader group…if you’re looking at that and murmuring to yourself, “She’s finally getting that forum going,” you are absolutely correct! I have been dying to talk to everyone about the books, specifically Jim and Drake’s stories.

Do you want to talk about Jim’s parents? I sure do, because I’m seriously thinking about writing a story for them.
How about chatting about the Easter eggs in Jim’s story, Aisling’s connection to Jim’s bestie, his dealings with certain power-suit-wearing demon lords, and so many other things!
We can’t do that on Facebook without potentially spoiling the story for others, but we can make special spoiler discussions in the new reader group.

Like the shop, it’s still in the process of being created, but my goal is to have it up and functioning in a week. Fingers crossed that happens, because I have SO MUCH TO SAY about Jim. And Drake. And how Jim’s dad has a tie to…but no, I’ll save that talk for when the reader group is up. I hope you join me in embracing these changes. It’ll be less scary together, right?

Get Finch in your earballs!

AXEGATE WALK is out on audio at last! I’ve already downloaded my copy (I use Chirp these days for audiobooks), and can’t wait to fling myself into Elizabeth Russell’s narration of the tale of Finch, Tat, and my new fave beings, the Municple Entity.

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