Monday Thoughts
Couple of Monday thoughts, bulleted because reasons:
- I’ve ordered some print copies of CONFEDERACY OF DRAGONS and DESPERATELY SEEKING VAMPIRE for the Etsy shop, so if you want a signed copy, be patient. It takes a few weeks to get them into my hot little hands. I’ve also ordered a few other books that were either sold out or are low.
- I miss talking to you about books. Not me yammering at you, but an actual discussion about characters, plot decisions, speculation about what X means, etc. Due to the inability to hide spoiler talk on social media, we can’t really do it here. I have a Discord channel, but that isn’t easy to parse if you are looking for specific discussions (or wish to avoid spoilers on books you haven’t yet read). So I’m looking at a message forum again. Thoughts? Is that something you’d use? Hit the CONTACT link and let me know.
- I need to start writing the next book today. My brain is a bit fuzzy with an allergy headache, so I’m waffling over what that book will be. Why am I telling you this? When I ask you what you want to read next, it has an impact on what I write next.
- Hillary Huber is recording the audio for CONFEDERACY as I type. It will be out in early October. I just called her an aerator instead of narrator in a text message. Voice to text FTW!
Did I mention Ivo is a poet?
Your input, por favor!
I’m waffling on what book to write next, partly because I’m watching sales on the books that have been released this year with an eye to seeing what readers want.
And since I can’t read minds (yet!), I figured I’d do a general survey of you, my beloved reader. Here are a few questions that I’m really curious about. Feel free to message or e-mail me here with your answers:
Thinking about books you’d like to read in the next twelve months:
1. Do you prefer books in existing series (i.e. dragons, vamps, Greeks, etc.)?
2. Would you prefer books in a new series? And if so, what type–paranormal? Contemporary romcom? Something else?
3. Would you prefer something in an older series that hasn’t been updated in a while (Emily, historical, Time Thief, Karma Marx, which, yes, is getting an update in September)?
4. A sideways book (AKA a book that isn’t in a series, but skews off kind of sideways because it includes characters from standalones like Men in Kilts, Corset Diaries, Blow Me Down, etc.)?
5. What sorts of tropes ring your chimes right now? Tropes are a plot/theme/device that is very recognizable. In romance, popular tropes are friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, fish out of water, fake relationship and its close cousin marriage of convenience, billionaires, fated lovers, etc.
6. How do you feel about quicker stories (novellas) versus longer books? Does size matter to you if the story is in a genre you like?
Do you like to revisit old friends from previous books? Would you like to see them in shorter works (novellas) even if there are no steamy scenes? Is there someone in particular you want me to include in a future novella?
7. In general, is there a book of mine that looked interesting, but which you didn’t read?
8. Do you know when my new books come out? Do you get notices from Amazon, Book Bub, etc.?
I greatly appreciate everyone who takes time to let me know what they’re thinking. Not only will it influence what I write, it lets me get to know you better.
Definitely can’t dance
It’s coming!
Ivo, Finch, and early Christian
The preorders for DESPERATELY SEEKING VAMPIRE, a GIRL’S GUIDE TO VAMPIRES prequel novella are going up now, and should take a day or two before they are fully available. And since it’s taken me forever to get the back cover copy written, here it is:
And you thought your emo teenage poetry was bad…
When tarot reader Minerva finds herself in a foreign country without friends or money, and hunted by a pair of thief takers, the last thing she expects to find is a near dead vampire. A familiar near dead vampire.
Ivo Zeman thought he found the love of his life on a battlefield in 1916–just after he’d been blown apart. But then the woman disappeared, sending him into a spiral of despair and hopelessness that lasted more than eighty years.
When he finally finds her again, she’s thrown into peril by a madman, and Ivo must think fast or else he’ll lose her a second time. Tarot readings, a malicious thief, some of the worst poetry you will ever read, and the wrath of a powerful enemy…can Ivo save his love in time, or will fate destroy their last hope for a future together?
It’s heeeeeeeeeeere!
Bastian Party Day Two: FIRE ME UP!
Day two goodies are up (including a printable dragon bookmark).
What did you think of FIRE ME UP? Were you as mad at Drake as I was at the end?
Day One: Bastian Book Party
There’s been a slight change in the schedule of Bastian’s Book Party: this week, Monday through Friday, I’ll do a deep dive into the four Aisling books, and the Jim novella. Starting next week, we’ll do one dragon book per week, which should land us right on the publication date of YOU SLEIGH ME, the Christmas novella.
Sound good? You can find day one’s goodies at the official party page: