Katie MacAlister


Monday on a Tuesday

  • Settle down to write blue dragons after time off to edit vampires: check.
  • Realize there is still plotting to be done: check
  • Load up plotting spreadsheet: check
  • Immediately decide to go meal prep a bunch of English muffin pizzas, and get them in the freezer: oh hell yes.
Procrastination, thy name is Katie.

Week One of Thirteen Weeks of Vampires

Newsletter is off! It’s freakin’ huge because it includes a deep look at both Girl’s Guide and Sex and the Single Vamp (including the latter’s tie to the dragons).
You MUST be a subscriber to be in the pool for the pen contest each week, but if you just want to read the contents, you can find it here: https://preview.mailerlite.com/n4v6z4

Thirteen Weeks of Vamps!

I’m a bit radio silencey right now as I wrap up editing the vamp book, which goes off to Editor Laura next week. But in the mean time, I’ve decided to do a weekly event on my newsletter going through all the vamp stories while we roll up to the publication date of Enthralled in late November.
If you haven’t subscribed yet, you might want to. I’ll be digging out some of my infamous light up pens to send to one lucky subscriber each week!

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