I think I forgot to link in last week’s newsletter. Here’s a double dose of Ben and Fran!
The weekly vamp newsletter!
Ben and Fran are up to bat in this week’s look behind the scenes. If you aren’t subscribed, you can read the newsletter here.
Week 7 of 13 Weeks of Vampires
You know you want it! If you don’t subscribe to the newsletter, you can find the latest issue to hit inboxes right here.
Week 6 of 13 Weeks of Vamps
And the newsletter is off! Here’s a link for those of you who don’t get it, but still want to share in all the fun:
Week 5 of 13 Weeks of Vamps!
Find out all the behind-the-scenes stuff on ZEN AND THE ART OF VAMPIRES. Read the newsletter here.
Week 3 of 13 Weeks of Vamps!
What’s this? Week 3 of Vamps? Yuppers. If you don’t get the newsletter, you can read the backstory on EVEN VAMPIRES GET THE BLUES right here:
Week 2 of 13 Weeks of Vampires

Monday on a Tuesday

- Settle down to write blue dragons after time off to edit vampires: check.
- Realize there is still plotting to be done: check
- Load up plotting spreadsheet: check
- Immediately decide to go meal prep a bunch of English muffin pizzas, and get them in the freezer: oh hell yes.
Week One of Thirteen Weeks of Vampires

Thirteen Weeks of Vamps!