The weekly vamp newsletter!
Ben and Fran are up to bat in this week’s look behind the scenes. If you aren’t subscribed, you can read the newsletter here.
Week 7 of 13 Weeks of Vampires
You know you want it! If you don’t subscribe to the newsletter, you can find the latest issue to hit inboxes right here.
Week 6 of 13 Weeks of Vamps
And the newsletter is off! Here’s a link for those of you who don’t get it, but still want to share in all the fun:
Week 5 of 13 Weeks of Vamps!
Find out all the behind-the-scenes stuff on ZEN AND THE ART OF VAMPIRES. Read the newsletter here.
Week 3 of 13 Weeks of Vamps!
What’s this? Week 3 of Vamps? Yuppers. If you don’t get the newsletter, you can read the backstory on EVEN VAMPIRES GET THE BLUES right here:
Week 2 of 13 Weeks of Vampires

Monday on a Tuesday

- Settle down to write blue dragons after time off to edit vampires: check.
- Realize there is still plotting to be done: check
- Load up plotting spreadsheet: check
- Immediately decide to go meal prep a bunch of English muffin pizzas, and get them in the freezer: oh hell yes.
Week One of Thirteen Weeks of Vampires

Thirteen Weeks of Vamps!

Dragonblight in Audio
I’m happy to announce that DRAGONBLIGHT‘s audio book was released last week. I just finished listening to it, and was delighted with Hillary Huber’s performace. Let me know what you think of it!