Katie MacAlister

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All the Jingle Ladies

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    Day One: Bastian Book Party

    There’s been a slight change in the schedule of Bastian’s Book Party: this week, Monday through Friday, I’ll do a deep dive into the four Aisling books, and the Jim novella. Starting next week, we’ll do one dragon book per week, which should land us right on the publication date of YOU SLEIGH ME, the Christmas novella.

    Sound good? You can find day one’s goodies at the official party page: https://katiemacalister.com/bastian-book-party-central/

    The Book Peeps Have Been Asking Me To Write For Years

    Seriously, it’s been more than fifteen years since the first person asked when I would write a book that had both dragons and vampires in it. Well, I finally worked out a story that had both, without one group being subservient to the other. And I stuffed it with Christmas joy, and Jim…and then named it YOU SLEIGH ME because I have a warped sense of humor.

    It should be out in early October, so get ready!

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