Katie MacAlister

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    An Update!

    Dragons. Let’s talk about ’em.
    One of the things I want to do this year is produce at least one newsletter each month. Since I don’t have a super interesting life that would captivate anyone reading about it–at least not to the point of enduring it once a month–I’ve decided that what I *can* do is offer unique content to each newsletter.
    While mulling that over, I realized that I’ve never written the novella of exactly what went down between the end of Sparks Fly, and the beginning of Dragon Fall. Lots of people have been confused by those events (even though they are dribbled throughout Dragon Fall) so I thought hey, that’s the perfect thing to do for the newsletter.
    So. Here’s what’s going to happen. Each month, I will send out one (or possibly more) newsletters with small chunks of the “THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED THAT YOU GUYS HAVE WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT” novella. It will be serialized, with each “episode” continuing from the previous one.
    This content will ONLY be available via the newsletter (possibly via a link to hidden pages on my website, or in the newsletter itself). You won’t get to read it unless you subscribe, and yes, I know, I’m a meanie-head. I will NOT be doing big promotion posts in the newsletter–it’s not about BUY BUY BUY. It’s me giving my subscribers a reward for following me and enjoying my books.
    Once the novella serialization is finished via the newsletter, then I will release it for sale in ebook format (and possibly print format stuffed in with another novella). So if you are vehemently opposed to subscribing to the newsletter, but still want the story, you can get it that way.
    Since I’ve just plotted the novella–and yes, EVERYONE will be in it, including points of view for Jim, Aisling, May, Ysolde, and a few other people as well–I’m super excited about it. I hope you will be, too. And if you haven’t subscribed to the newsletter, you can do so here: https://www.subscribepage.com/katiemac
    The first 2020 newsletter (with the first episode) will go out later this month.

    Shop update!

    I still have a few more to list, but I’m putting up all those many journals and albums that have consumed me all summer and autumn. You can browse them at the shop, but each is best viewed via the video linked in the description.
    And yes, I have arthritis gloves on in the video. They keep my fingers happy. 🙂

    What? It’s still September!

    Got my writing done today (and a hot Bastian was enjoyed by my muse), and in addition, filmed a Christmas journal I made. One of these days I’m going to list all the albums and journals. I’ll probably warn everyone in advance, but until then, enjoy my romp through Christmas papers. And my dogs barking.

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