Katie MacAlister

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    Grab your vampire by the…er…fangs!

    The Vampire Always RisesI’m so excited for the release of THE VAMPIRE ALWAYS RISES that I can barely contain my giddiness. For those of you who have patiently waited for it, it’s out! Go grab a copy (and if you can’t buy one at this time, suggest that your library get a copy for the delight of you and other patrons) and then race back here and tell me what you think of it.

    I have so much to talk about with this book, but we will remain spoiler free for folks who haven’t had a chance to read it yet. So instead, let me point out that the first chapter is now available at https://katiemacalister.com/books/the-vampire-aways-rises/

    And if you’re still confused about how the vampire books fall, the Dark Ones Connections is at https://katiemacalister.com/fun-stuff/dark-ones-connections/

    Get your fangs on, my darlings!

    Vampy Goodness…Slightly Delayed

    The publish date for The Vampire Always Rises has been pushed back to April 26th. Although I hate to delay the long awaited next Dark Ones book, there has been a delay in the copyediting and proofreading production, and I don’t want to rush it out the door before it’s perfect. Or as perfect as I can make it (that’s the joy of publishing books yourself!). And since I want it out in print at the same time as ebook (and with luck, audio), I’m hoping everyone will be patient and hang on an extra month.

    Dragon Unbound Experiment!

    My darling agent Michelle and I are trying an experiment in visibility by placing Dragon Unbound into Amazon’s White Glove program (a special service offered to agents to help get their author’s books some personal attention) which means that for a little bit of time, it will be only available via Amazon. Non-Kindle folks, don’t panic! The print version is available–so feel free to ask your library to pick up a copy if you are unable to.

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