Return of the Shoutbox (kind of)!
Those of you who have missed the shoutbox of the old Katie Mac forum, rejoice! We have a new 24/7 chat room in place (although to be honest, I’ll only be around during weekdays), and you are welcome to register and join the group.
Hipchat Katie Room
Happy Dragon Soul Day!
Dragon Soul is finally available, and man, am I a happy camper. I can’t wait to talk to folks about it, so read it up and let me know what you think of all the dragonny shenanigans!
All righty, I have paid for us to have a private chat room for an ENTIRE YEAR. Which means we’re going to be the chattingest people around! 🙂
Just think of it…we can have chats about specific books, or series, chats for the KatieCon folks, chats for the Street Team members, chats for a book club that I really do want to start, chats for fun and games (like tarot card readings!), chats where I as you guys questions…oh, the list is just seemingly endless!
To get to our dedicated chat room, hie thee to
And remember, the first of this year of chattiness is today’s chat at 3pm Pacific (6 Eastern). Be there or be square!
Official Chat Warning!
There will be an official book chat on Saturday, March 5th, at 3pm Pacific (6pm Eastern). The URL to the chat room will be posted a half hour before the chat, but if you have questions, I’ll do my best to answer them!