Katie MacAlister

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All the Jingle Ladies

Otherworld Adventure, Book 5

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    Friday Fun!

    All right, peeps. Let’s have a little fun this Friday. It’s question time!

    Please note that your answers to the questions below should NOT include any of my books. I know, I know, you love my books, and I love you for loving them, but this is not about Warm Fuzzies For Katie, and is instead a look at what non-Katie books engage your interest.

    Ready? Go!

    1. What are you reading now?
    2. What book (if any) do you wish you could be reading instead?
    3. What book do you re-read the most?
    4. Where do you most frequently get your books (library, brick and mortar bookstore, online store, etc.)?
    5. If you could be one character from any book, who would it be?

    Time Thief Official Chat

    It’s back! Yack with Katie and other readers in the forum chat room. If you want to join us on Ventrilo for voice chat as well, we’ll have that up and running.

    Date: May 18th
    Time: 3pm Pacific (5 Central, 6 Eastern, 11pm GMT)
    Where: https://katiemacalister.invisionzone.com/index.php?%2Fchat%2F
    Ventrilo info: https://katiemacalister.invisionzone.com/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F435-vent-information%2F

    The chat will be moderated for an hour, then open up to a free-for-all.

    Time Thief is Out!

    It’s release day, it’s release day, huzzah! (You have to imagine me singing that while dancing with my dogs until they lose interest and go off to stare out the window)

    Today is the release of Time Thief, and as usual, I’ve prepared a newsletter about it with all sorts of links ‘n stuff, including a contest for a Romance Sampler! If you didn’t get a copy of the newsletter for your very own, you can read it here.

    Second Quarter Wallpaper

    The newest quarterly wallpaper is now available!

    A note about this quarter’s wallpaper. Assistant Sister Karen is, as some of you might recall, an artist in addition to helping me out with many things, and I asked her to make me some custom graphics for a book video for Time Thief. She’s been busily doing that, and we decided to use one of the images from that for this quarterly wallpaper. So instead of the normal type of wallpaper image, you get a highly artsy version. Yay for culture, right?


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