Katie MacAlister

Katie's Latest Releases:

All the Jingle Ladies

Otherworld Adventure, Book 5

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    The new podcast is here!

    It’s out! It’s out! At long last it’s out! [Although be patient if it doesn’t show up in your iTunes or podcast feed right away…I just published it a few minutes ago.]
    Yes, it’s the first episode of The Curiosity Shop! The new podcast where my friends Janet, Sara, and I read weirdo news and advertisements from magazines and newspapers through the ages.
    We’re kicking things off with our Halloween episode, during which Janet discusses nipples, Sara details Halloween shenanigans with an outhouse, and I mispronounce several words because I was trying to talk fast.
    Subscribe, listen, share with your friends!

    Get Your Hands on Leo!

    My historical publisher has put The Truth About Leo on sale for $1.99 until the 11th of September, so if you haven’t had the glorious fun of watching Leo chase after Dagmar, you might want to grab a copy.

    KatieCast 100!

    The latest KatieCast podcast is out, and in its new five-minute “short bloop of Katieness” formula. You can check it out here.

    Be sure to let me know if you have specific books you’d like me to yack about, or if you have questions you’d like answered, names you’d like pronounced, or suggestions of future topics.

    The First Dragon is Back!

    I have good news for those of you who’ve been asking why the First Dragon’s novella DRAGON UNBOUND was stuffed into Amazon and not available elsewhere (the answer is a long story).

    A new anthology – ONCE UPON A DRAGON MOON – with both DRAGON UNBOUND and THE PERILS OF EFFRIJIM – has just been released, so those of you who are missing one or both can find them in one handy e-book available at iBooks, Nook, Kobo, and other assorted spots. For more info and links, trot to the ONCE UPON A DRAGON MOON page.

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