Got Question?
Info on the latest reader chat and Ventapalooza can be found here. Be there or be square!
Official Discussion Group
I’ve decided to close down the message forum since most folks have taken up residence on Facebook. With that thought, there is a new official discussion group that will replace the message forum, and you’re welcome to join in and romp with us there. You can find the group at
Fourth Quarter Wallpaper!
It’s late, but finally available, thanks to Assistant Sister’s dedicated work through her cold. You can find it on the wallpaper page.
Art of Stealing Time Audio now available!
The cover is missing on Audible (that usually happens when the audio book folks zap the file over in a bit of a hurry), but The Art of Stealing Time is now on, and ready for all your listening pleasure! I can’t wait to hear how the narrator does with all the wackiness that ensues in the book. You can listen to a preview on the Audible site here.