Katie MacAlister

Katie's Latest Releases:

All the Jingle Ladies

Otherworld Adventure, Book 5

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    Fat Cat Books (December 18, 2024)

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    Surprise Early Release!

    Due to an unforeseen wad of circumstances, I’ve had to release You Auto-Complete Me, the Emily reboot, early. But wait, I hear you say – Emily? In England? And Dru and Fang and all the others? Weren’t they featured in the young adult Emily series that came out eons ago (AKA 2003)?

    Yes, they were! But I’ve done an almost complete rewrite of the first book in that series (The Year My Life Went Down the Loo), and updated Emily to an adult, who has adult relationships, and adult experiences. Bottom line: if you read the YA book, you may recognize a few themes, but almost everything else has been rewritten and updated.

    Fireborn Off Sale For a Bit

    As some of you who hang around my Facebook discussion group know, I accepted an offer for Fireborn, the fantasy that I released in May. Because of that, I’ve taken the book off sale. As soon as the publisher republishes it, I’ll put live buy links back up. And yes, this means the second book in the series will be underway soon. Ack. Time to get the muse in gear…

    Etsy Store At Last!

    At long last the Etsy store is up and running smoothly, with orders available internationally (although holy cow, does international shipping cost a ton). If you are looking for a signed book, bag o’ swag, or one-of-a-kind handmade items, the Katie Mac store is the answer!

    I’m adding books for personalization into the store as I get them, so check back for new additions. I should be getting copies of Dragon Unbound, Vampire Always Rises, and Time Thief (with its new cover) in this week, so if you are looking for a signed copy, check it out!

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