Katie MacAlister

Katie's Latest Releases:

Midnight in the Garden of Meh and Okay

Midnight in the Garden of Okay and Meh

Otherworld Adventure, Book 4

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Fat Cat Books (July 16, 2024)
ISBN-13: 9781960118233 • ISBN-10: 1960118234

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Influence me!

Here’s a chance for you to influence what I write!

Video version with dogs (because who doesn’t want to watch puppos playing?) here.

I’ve been thinking hard about the fun I can have with short stories/short novellas with regards to existing characters. As I’m deep in a re-listen to my dragon audio books (mostly so I can refresh my memory, but also because I love listening to the dragons), all sorts of fun scenes are dancing around in the empty tuna can that is my brain.

But it also got me thinking that I could write alternate POV scenes from books where I didn’t have the male POV (think the first ten dragon books). Want to see what Drake was doing before he walked into G&T and Aisling called him Puff the Magic Dragon? Need to know how Baltic felt when he saw Ysolde for the first time? What Jim thought of Aisling the first time it met her?

The alternative POV shorts can work outside of the dragon books, as well. Corest Diaries, Men in Kilts, Blow Me Down…all my books written before I started including male POVs are fair game.

But! I don’t want to go to the trouble of writing scenes from ALL the books (which, honestly, I’m thinking about…yes, a short story for Every. Single. Book.) if it’s not something you’d want to read.

Would you read shorts if I wrote them? Would they make you happy to see old friends (and alternate points of view [note to self, learn some swearing in Magyar for Drake]), or would it not be as much fun because they weren’t entire books?

Let me know what you think (you can click on the contact link for my e-mail addy), and whose POV you’re dying to see first.

Finch Preorders Available!


Despite dragging my feet for what seems like forever, AXEGATE WALK is finally up for preorder. Print versions will be available for preorder shortly, as well.

It’s That Time Again!

I’m getting ready to send out my newsletter with the traditional (well, I started it last year) Virtual Weird or Not Weird Christmas card for my peeps. This year it’s going to be Weird and Weirder, because I just couldn’t find one that wasn’t…odd.

Anyway, you won’t get to pick your virtual Katie Mac Weird Holiday Card if you don’t fling yourself onto the newsletter before I send it out later this week!

You can sign up here: https://katiemacalister.com/11396-2/

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