Katie MacAlister

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    New Non-Fiction Books!

    You may have noticed two new covers appear in my website banner!

    My long-time friend L.K. Glover and I recently gave in to our deep and abiding love for all things journals, planners, and medieval-esque wood prints, as well as a healthy appreciation for a snarky attitude toward life, and created a couple of books intended to help people through this trying time.

    The first book, LOVE IN THE TIME OF THE PLAGUE is a survival journal and keepsake that offers fun coloring pages, lots and lots of journal space, and even a couple of organizational pages so you don’t lose track of the important stuff.

    The second book in the series is geared toward parents with kids who are facing either virtual, in person, or hybrid classes. SCHOOL IN THE TIME OF THE PLAGUE gives parents resources to keep track of their children’s classes, appointments, class attendance (virtual and otherwise), and much, much more. It works for parents who homeschool, as well. Since we are passionate about children’s education, we are donating a portion of the proceeds of sales for SCHOOL IN THE TIME OF THE PLAGUE to an education-related charity. Currently, that charity is Shielding Our Defenders. You can read more about the charities we support at the Bee & Moon website.

    STEAMED gets a new cover!

    Steamed has received (at long last) a new cover. Why? The second book in the series will be out this autumn, and I thought it was the perfect time to update Steamed’s cover as well. If you’d like a signed print version with the new cover, hie thee over to my Etsy store listing.


    Dmitri is finally ready to be fondled!


    For those of you who have been waiting patiently for the print version of A TALE OF TWO COUSINS–thank you! Because of the pandemic, book production has taken much longer than normal, and after six weeks, I finally got in a case of books ready to be signed and sent off to readers. You can find the first batch of books up on my Etsy shop.

    Dmitri lives!

    I’m tickled three different shades of pink to announce that the third book in the Papaioannou series, A TALE OF TWO COUSINS, is now live in most ebook stores (Google is being a bit slow, but I’m hoping it will be listed shortly). Since I’m using a temporary cover while my cover artist makes the real deal, the print version will not be available for a few weeks. Hopefully, we’ll have a deal soon with the audio and foreign publishers as well. Stay tuned for further info about all of those.

    In the mean time, to celebrate the release, I’ve dropped the price on the first book in the series, IT’S ALL GREEK TO ME to $0.99 for a few weeks, so if you haven’t dived into the series, you can do so with minimum expense.

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